Confirmation of work requested, along with dates and times contracted, will be detailed on a Purchase Order which will be issued prior to commencement of the contract.  This will usually be issued via email on the Friday, the week before you are contracted to work.  Please ensure that the purchase order letters and number are quoted on your invoice for payment.  The EICC maintains the right to cancel any shifts if there are any changes to the client’s event schedule that are out with our control or in the unfortunate situation where an entire event cancels at short notice. Please note confirmed shifts will not be cancelled with less than 48 hours notice.


Invoices can be submitted by email to or sent hardcopy to:

Accounts Payable
The Exchange


Please note that invoices should be submitted within 7 days following the work being carried out or the payment may be delayed. 


In order that the EICC may process payment for work contracted, you should provide the following information:


  • Your home / business address and contact telephone number(s)
  • Bank name and branch address
  • Bank account number
  • Branch sort code


Any changes to daily rates must be applied for in writing and authorised by the finance director prior to work being carried out at that rate of pay.