You are welcome to use the staff restaurant when it is open during your breaks. Food is provided at a discounted rate and tea/coffee is provided free of charge.


The staff restaurant is usually open Monday - Friday for Breakfast and Lunch.


When the staff restaurant is not open there is no facility for staff meals on site so please make your own arrangements for your meal breaks. There are various cafes and supermarkets located within a 5 minute walk.


Crew meals will sometimes be provided during specific events. If this is the case you will be informed prior to the event. If you have any food allergies please let you technical planner know.


Please avoid eating food in the control rooms. If food is to be consumed it should be in a lidded container that you provide. Plates and cutlery should not be taken from the staff restaurant. Food waste should never be left in the control room bins.


Drinks should be in a closed container to avoid spillage.